The story takes a twist when the man (who does not want to be named) came home to find his son and his friends smoking pot in the backyard. And just like any other parent, the man proceeded to his computer to list the game on ebay.
The father wrote in his ebay ad: "I finally got the Holy Grail of Christmas presents pretty much just in the nick of time. I couldn't wait to spread the jubilance to my son,"
An Australian man was the winning bidder at (sit down for this part)$9,100!
So would you sell your child's christmas present on ebay as punishment?
I don't know - for that, I might consider it. Making sure he knew that was what it was about. Although I am in general one to give a warning before a punishment so it's their choice, so I'm not sure I'd do what seems like a bit of a knee-jerk response.
And btw - thanks for dropping by Life of 'Pie! It's always nice to see new faces.
If they were smoking pot I absolutly would!! Me selling there Christmas presents would be the least of my childs worries!! They would be grateful they still had a bed to sleep on much less guitar here 3!!
Something less I don't think I would though.
I told my hubby about this story this was his response...
"I would sell my son on ebay and keep the guitar hero for myself!!"
Ha Ha!
For that kind of money I might be tempted to sell the kids! haha Seriously, I have to agree with utmomof5, I don't think selling their gifts would even register on the scale if I found them smoking pot.
Not sure about that one. Hope it made an impact on that child!
You betcha!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would sell it, and I'd show him what I got for it!
I could actually be talked into this..... so bad hey!
At one point if its wasnt nailed down in our house i sold it.... good job i had to go back to work after maternity
I don't where to comment... haha.
But anyways, I absolutely LOVE guitar hero =]
holy cow! i have one of those under the bed as we speak!!! ebay here i come...oh but wait...he really hasn't done any thing that bad...yet...
I think I would've done the same thing!
Yep sell the stuff! Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Hi, Kelly!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today, I love to hear from new people! Glad to hear I'm not alone with the teen angst, yikes! :)
Um,..I don't know if I would sell my kids Christmas gift on e-bay. I might consider just holding onto it and giving it to him at a later time when he was behaving better. I mean, I don't know,..no presents for Christmas? None? That seems pretty harsh. Having a long sit down talk and punishment such as grounding, extra chores, etc., definitely. Sometimes I think if you come down too hard you risk cutting off whatever communication you have with your child and that only builds resentment. Besides, what parent hasn't made a mistake themselves, especially when they were kids? I know I made plenty!
Under this circumstance? Yep, I would. And I'd buy myself something awesome with that money :)
Actually I was just thinking of this same thing today, I had my kindergartner throw a major tantrum at the Christmas party and she threw her toy down in a pout. I collected it and am considering throwing it away/giving it to charity. Haven't decided yet.
Wow! This is absolutely wonderful that there are new ways to Get Rich on Ebay. It is important to note that one can sell kids presents on ebay. I suggest that one has to plan well and do the business.
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