Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wordless Wednesday


Sandee said...

Awwwwwwwww, how adorable. Have a great WW. :)

Mommy Lutchi said...

lovely sleeping baby....mine is up at 4Seasons Of My Life. See you there.

Coy Hill said...

Precious shot, this is the kind of pic you will treasure years from now.

Thanks for visiting Country Captures and commenting, you are always welcome

Raggedy said...

Tip toes out..
Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

How peaceful and beautiful. He's a doll!!

Andrea said...

I have so many pictures of my grandson asleep. They make the most precious pictures.

Lizzy in the Burbs said...

Hi there!

Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog! I never did figure out what the problem was or what happened to my posts/dates, etc. I am so tech challenged it's not funny, it's sad actually! :) Your baby is adorable and looks so sweet! BTW I wasn't sure which one of your blogs to leave my message on, hope this is okay! Also, the pie idea is great, love the pastry turkey!

Casdok said...


Wendy said...

So cute! I love to watch mine sleep.

carmilevy said...

They're so angelic when they sleep. Anyone who doesn't see this and immediately think "awwwww" needs a serious brain reset.

Thanks for sharing this. Absolutely precious!

Janet said...

such a cutie!!!

Anna said...

What a sweet pea! Great pictures...and cute sheets, too. My three year old is all about Winnie the Pooh right now! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures; looks adorable

Kat said...

Nothing better than sleeping babies. Ahhh. Love.

Be Inspired Always said...

he's a doll. I just love how parents capture these moments.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

I'm new to this blog, please feel welcomed to come and visit mine.
